COVID Crises Payment
What it is?
With the July 2021 lockdown commencing on the 16th July, the Andrew Government have confirmed that employees will receive a pro-rata payment in arrears. Applications commence Friday 23rd July 2021.
Those who lost 20 hours or more during the period of the lockdown will receive payments of $600, whilst those who lost between 8-20 hours of work during the period of the lockdown will receive payments of $375.
Important to note that the liquid asset test will not be applied for these payments however the same criteria remains if workers are receiving other support from Centrelink such as Jobseeker.
Businesses who received either the Licensed Hospitality Venue Fund or the Business Costs Assistance Program relating to the May-June lockdown will receive an automatic “top-up” payment of $3,000 and $2,000 respectively over the course of this week.
Who will receive it?
To get this payment you must meet the following criteria:
- you're at least 17 years old
- you're an Australian resident or a holder of a visa class permitted to work in Australia
- you reside or work in a hotspot or lockdown area
- you are not able to work and therefore unable to earn any income as a result of the lockdown
- not receiving an income support payment or a Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment for the same 7 day period you claim this payment
- exhausted all appropriate paid leave entitlements (sick leave, personal/carer leave)
How do you apply?
You will need to provide the following information:
- Personal details
- Employer details
- Savings details
If you have any questions please contact us at Vargiu Accountants